克里斯 is 可用 租用
雇佣 克里斯


验证专家  in 产品管理



克里斯是哈勃望远镜公司的产品副总裁,在这个行业工作了17年. 有经验和策略, 数据驱动的决策技能, 克里斯推动了许多行业的增长, 包括市场, fintech, 和SaaS. His strength is shaping high-performing teams and crafting transformative customer experiences aligned with business objectives. 他的战略眼光带来了显著的成果, 包括提高团队绩效和业务增长.


和另一位集团产品经理一起, 我雇了, developed and organized a high-performing team of 10 product managers.
Generated the first transactional revenue stream for iQmetrix by providing a valuable and profitable solution to clients.
Produced strategic and tactical plans to transition CHIMP from a monolith application to an extensible platform.




  • Created a clear product strategy and turned the product and engineering teams around to have focus, 方向, 和参与.
  • 引入了持续的发现和研究操作.
  • Introduced outcome-focused strategy for the team to create measurable change in customer behavior. This has led to hiring engagement from the product and engineering teams while creating better buy-in and alignment across the organization.


2021 - 2023
  • Led several teams in completely turning around the compensation portfolio of 无所不在的. That portfolio included the global payroll, financial operations, and benefits.
  • 雇佣d most of the product management team and built out key product operations across the organization.
  • Created the product vision and strategy for the compensation portfolio, 与CFO保持一致, 产品副总裁, 首席执行官们, 以及公司最关键领域的其他关键领导者.
  • Created the competency and career growth framework for the product management team.


2019 - 2023
15 5
  • 建立了一支由10名产品经理组成的高效团队, including the other group project manager I was collaborating with.
  • 培训产品经理, which resulted in them having significant promotions and increases in responsibility and performance.
  • 领导制定了我们的职业发展战略, 包括能力, 职业阶梯, 以及职位描述,以促进团队内部的成长.
  • 领导团队推出了一个重要的新产品, 参与调查, allowing the company to move from a pure performance management vertical into the people management vertical. 最初的发布超出了目标的110%.
  • 支持我们的R&D department after raising our series B with a heavy focus on teams, and then led our restructuring into persona-focused portfolios that allowed teams to work more closely together, 解决最高优先级.


2017 - 2018
  • 研究ed the platform capabilities of partners and competitors in the charitable donation space.
  • Produced strategic plan for the transition from monolith application to platform-based omnichannel.
  • Reorganized two platform-based cross-functional development teams that failed to ship into three cross-functional development teams that shipped features every 2-3 weeks.
  • Mentored three junior product owners and help them implement a transparent priority matrix to ensure educated and researched prioritization of feature development.
  • 与印度和加拿大的团队一起在西班牙远程工作.


2009 - 2017
  • 研究ed and identified opportunities in the wireless retail market for a dropship solution.
  • Worked with COO and business development to come up with a pricing model and go to market strategy for dropshipping.
  • Worked with partner suppliers to define integration flows and system to support real-time dropship ordering across a network of 15,000个零售点和7个供应商.
  • Led four teams in developing end-to-end solution that integrated iQmetrix POS, 电子商务, in-store digital solutions with the iQmetrix Platform to provide an omnichannel experience for consumers.
  • Drove growth and adoption of dropship solution throughout the iQmetrix customer base.


2007 - 2009
  • 作为前端开发人员远程参与多个合同.
  • 与分布在北美、欧洲和亚洲的团队合作.
  • 使用WPF和ASP.. NET技术,包括Silverlight等.


和另一位集团产品经理一起, 我雇了, developed and organized a high-performing team of 10 product managers.

After raising a Series B, 15 5 invested heavily in building out our R&D团队. I was the second product manager hired and, together with my partner, we hired 10 product managers. We built out a structure that served us well for a year and a half with feature-based squads along with our engineering and design partners. 然后对R进行变换&D structure into persona-based portfolios allowing more collaboration and effectiveness within our product teams.



Generated the first transactional revenue stream for iQmetrix by providing a valuable and profitable solution to clients.

运输船 provides real-time supply chain order directly from the retail location to the supplier. 为零售商提供无缝流程.

Clear ROI for clients, partners, and iQmetrix; we exceeded forecasts in the first six months.


取一个特征过于突出的R&D prototype and turned it into a focused product that provided actual value to internal staff.

R&D团队 had created an internal product meant to solve the problems of communication, 透明度, 生产力, 和焦点. The product had tons of features and was trying to solve too many vague problems.

我重新调整了整个产品. Completed internal interviews and research to define the actual problem that existed for internal communication and 透明度. Threw out the existing prototype and within five weeks had shipped a refocused product that solved the real problem.


Produced strategic and tactical plans to transition CHIMP from a monolith application to an extensible platform.

Developed a strategic plan to transition CHIMP from a monolith application to a microservice platform capable of supporting partners and multiple applications. Transformed underperforming development teams that were failing to ship into cross-functional teams that were shipping every 2-3 weeks.


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与你选择的人才一起工作,试用最多两周. 只有当你决定雇佣他们时才付钱.

